Wind Bands

At UNC Asheville, there are opportunities for wind players and percussionists to remain involved with band, regardless of major.

Our Wind Ensemble and our Pep Band provide students with chances to engage more deeply with music and the campus community. We maintain that band is an inclusive, welcoming, and joyful space, where students can build connections, push their levels of musicianship, and work together toward a common goal.


About Wind Ensemble

Rehearsals: Monday and Wednesday, 3:30-5:10p, Lipinsky Auditorium Register for MUSC.121.001 ARTS: Wind Ensemble

The UNC Asheville Wind Ensemble performs repertoire ranging from classic band works to contemporary compositions for wind ensemble. Membership is open to all UNC Asheville community members with experience on a brass, woodwind or percussion instrument. No audition required. 

From students:
“Being in any band ensemble has really been an anchor for me every single week because I know I’ll have something familiar to go back to every single time.  Plus, just being in the ensemble was almost therapeutic in a way because I was able to use it as a sense of escape from whatever I was dealing with.”

“As a group we were encouraged to push what we could do musically, and I think that helped me as an individual to do that both in my playing and in life. If I don’t push myself to my full capacity, I’m letting opportunities to learn go, so having a safe space where I was encouraged to do just that was very helpful.”

View Recent Wind Ensemble Concert Programs


Questions? Please contact Wind Ensemble Director Dr. Emily Eng at

emily eng

Emily Mariko Eng

Director of Wind Bands

Phone: 251-6530
Office: 117B Lipinsky Hall


About Pep Band:

The UNC Asheville Pep Band embodies school spirit, camaraderie, citizenship, and musicianship. Motivating our teams and the crowd, we perform at home basketball games, as well as in the Big South Tournament each year and any post-season travel for our basketball teams. In 2023, we traveled with the men’s basketball team to Sacramento, CA for March Madness! This year, we will also be performing at select home volleyball games.

Any current student can audition. 

Audition information:

Tuesday, September 12, 2023, 4:30-9:30p (sign up for a slot here!) Lipinsky 107

Pep band group photo

Audition Requirements

Brass, Woodwind Instruments, Electric Bass, and Guitar:

  • Major scales (concert pitch): Bb, F, C, Eb, and Ab
  • Chromatic scale through the practical range of your instrument (at least one octave)
  • 30-60 seconds of a song of your choice that demonstrates your ability
  • A sight-reading excerpt will be provided and asked for at your audition.


  • Demonstrate the following styles: rock, funk, big band swing, and a groove in 3/4.
  • A sight-reading excerpt will be provided and asked for at your audition.



Prior to the season, we will have 3 rehearsals on Monday evenings. Additional rehearsals may be scheduled as needed throughout the season. 

Compensation and Membership

This is a paid position of $45/game, and regular roster members are expected to commit to all home games, the Big South Tournament in March, and any additional post-season travel, with no more than 5 pre-excused absences in the season. For students unable to make all the games, there will be an additional sub list roster, as well as the opportunity to play as an unpaid member.

Additional opportunities to perform around campus and in UNC Asheville recruitment efforts may be added. 

The wind ensemble performing at Live at Lunch


Questions? Please contact Pep Band Director Dr. Emily Eng at