What music degrees are available at UNCA?
Do I have to audition in order to major in Music?
- Yes, in order to major in Music you must pass an audition. An audition is not required for Music minors. Audition information can be found at: https://www.unca.edu/programs/music/curriculum/audition-requirements/
Do I have to be a music major or minor to be in an ensemble?
- No! All ensembles are open to all UNCA students, but some require auditions.
How do I enroll in an ensemble?
Wind Ensemble (MUSC 121) and University Singers (MUSC 113)
- Just sign up – no audition required!
Asheville Singers
- Contact Dr. Melodie Galloway (mgallowa@unca.edu) to arrange an audition.
Percussion Ensemble
- Contact Mr. Matthew Richmond (mrichmon@unca.edu) to arrange an audition.
Pep Band
- Contact Dr. Emily Eng (eeng@unca.edu) to arrange an audition.
Orchestra or string chamber ensemble
- Contact Dr. Toby King (jking6@unca.edu) to arrange an audition.
Jazz & Contemporary Ensembles
- Auditions are held during the first week of classes each semester. Audition information is at music.unca.edu/engage/ensembles
- Contact Dr. Toby King (jking6@unca.edu) for more information.
Do you have to be a music major or minor to take private lessons on an instrument?
- Yes. However, UNCA does offer Class Piano (MUSC 101) for non-majors.
Do you offer any other classes for non-majors?
- Yes! We have many classes that are open to non-majors and have no prerequisites. This includes all of our music history and ethnomusicology courses. You can browse these classes in the UNCA Course Catalog.